Fee Based Financial Planning

Financial Planning
For Individuals
Utilising the 6 steps of financial planning, we assist individual clients create bespoke financial plans covering areas such as:
We use goal based investing to monitor and measure a client’s progress towards their investment goals such as kid’s education, savings for emergencies or a deposit for a new home instead of generating the highest portfolio return or outperforming the market.
We advise clients on risk solutions to cover unexpected risks such as death, temporary and/or permanent disability or critical illness to ensure that the client’s lifestyle is not financially impacted should any of these unforeseen risks occur.
We assist clients with “planning to retire” and figuring out their retirement income “number”. This allows us to work with clients and plan to ensure that they may continue with their desired lifestyle post retirement.
We assist clients put together an estate plan to determine possible estate duty liability in the event of death. Our offering also includes the drafting of Wills and setting up of Inter Vivos trusts.
Many clients hold strong relationships with existing Advisers and often require a second opinion to ensure that they are on the “right track”.
Financial Planning
For Businesses
For business client’s, our service offering includes:
Which identifies any gaps or areas of concern within the business
We use goal based investment planning to plan for the business investment goals such as, replacement of assets or purchase of commercial property
We advise client’s on how to manage cash flow within the business
This is provided for the risks associated with the business such as protection of business assets, loss of a keyperson and suretyship cover for loans
We assist with solutions to ensure business continuity in the event of business disruptions, sickness, death, emigration or retirement of the business owner(s)
Our offering to the staff of the business is workshops focusing on employee wellness or provision of group benefit options

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Consultation With Us
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